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Our featured poet Rhonda Rosenheck is a poet, humorist, and bible-translator living in New York’s Capital Region. Her publications include The Five Books of Limericks: a Chapter-by-Chapter Re-Reading of Torah; Sin No More! A Biblical Sea Shanty, Looking: Out, Up, In & Under Rocks and Yiddische Yoga: OYsanas for Every Generation. Rhonda’s work has appeared in Heirlock and Kings River Life magazines, Wingless Dreamer and Paragon Press journals, and in the anthology, A Book of Sonnets (2020). Her poem MakerSpace was performed in Write Out Loud, a production of the Glimmer Globe Theater in Cooperstown, NY. In 2023, Rhonda will open the Poet’s Perch, a writing studio/personal retreat, to fellow writers. In 2022, Rhonda founded Exsolutas Press, a micro-publisher developing two thematic anthologies: Thriving (about living well after life threatening trauma and illness) and Auntie-dote (about “aunting” and being “aunted”). Its erotica imprint, Bound-Unbound, has published one book of humorous erotic poetry. Rhonda recently finished fourth in a story slam and second in a poetry-slam. Among her works-in-progress is a children’s picture book and a fresh translation of Genesis.

Rhonda’s reading will be followed by an open mic.

 For the Zoom link, please email Ellie O’Leary at EllieOLeary@gmail.com.